Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However, without over simplifying, please hear me out. Our lives require each one of us to choose the direction we go and the option of doing whatever we can imagine. For example, you have an option when you wake, to get out of bed and be as productive as possible. Yet, you may not feel well and are under pressure from the cares of life. And lets be honest, this past year has been a chore to say the least.
However, in spite of whatever your circumstance, the way in which you respond will shape your day as well as your future. Again, these are decisions we make daily. Here is where you have to weigh what is more important. This brings me to my next question.
What if God requires you to let go of something you need and Love?
What I have discovered regarding this very question is not really about how I feel, but more so, about my willingness to trust and obey God. It is my discovery, that your choices require you to decide the value of a thing, before you ever choose it. What is more important, the thing that's worth a lot of money, the person you're in love with? What is it?
This question is a locator of the heart. There is a story in the bible about a rich young ruler. He asked Jesus what he needed to do to be a follower of Him. Jesus replied and asked the young man to go and sell all of his possessions and give it away to the poor. Of course, Jesus did not need his stuff. I mean really, c'mon now. Jesus could have asked him for any number of different things. Yet, He required him to let go of his wealth because that was the most important thing in his heart. Unfortunately, the young ruler could not do it. He walked away very sadly.
So, with that being said, what's really important is knowing that whatever God requires of us, is nothing compared to what God gives us in return. God wants to give us far better than what we are letting go of or giving away. So, I leave you with this question to ponder.
What is it that God has required of you?
Well said, thank you.