Saturday, January 29, 2011

Religion + Science = Synchronicity

Have you ever encountered synchronicity?  Okay I can hear you saying huh?

Let me explain, synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life.
We've all heard the expression, "There are no accidents." This is true.  All that we experience is by design, and what we attract to ourselves in the physical or natural realm. There are no accidents just synchronicity wheels, the wheels of time, wheels within wheels, sacred geometry, the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

Now bare with me, that's a very brief scientific explanation...
Now in the book of Ezekiel, in chapter 1 of the bible, the prophet Ezekiel has a vision of God and in this vision he describes these four living creatures. The bible describes each creature as having four faces, the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox, and the face of an eagle. Ezekiel describes these creatures as moving wherever the spirit moved. Each living creature had a wheel beside it and there was an inner wheel in the middle. The living creatures moved together simultaneously and only when the middle wheel moved.  
They were in synchronicity with the Spirit and with one another...
We are so full of power and energy we will sometimes attract and manifest people and events as reflections of our own inner turmoil.  Furthermore, you have the power to take authority and change your circumstances and not allow your circumstances to overrule your life. 

Sometimes we open ourselves to the wrong people because we connect ourselves through strong desires of both wanting the same thing.  Truth is, if your paying attention, people are revealing who they are everyday. Often we spend allot of time asking God questions which are right in front of us.

I love quantum physics and the mechanics of how life generates through the principles of power and light.  This is how love works, not to mention hate as well. There are certain people we're in sync with for all kinds of reasons which brings me to my next question:

Who are the people you're in synchronicity with, and why?     

I'm taking this time to search out why I'm synchronized with certain people. Is it because of the good or because of the bad?  Honestly it could possibly be both. I only want what the Spirit of the Lord has for me, so as long as I'm led by the Spirit, truth will be revealed as to who is and who is not.

Bottom line is I choose to follow Christ. My will is in His will, so anyone who is good in my life, their will is also in His will and we're moving together in synchronicity to advance the kingdom of God.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What Do "You" See

Being that we've not only entered a new year, but also, we've entered a new decade. Many of us have myriads of high expectations to receive great things to come. But here's a thought. Even though you've entered a new year, yet your image of yourself is still stuck in the past. 

Will the image of yourself affect how you pursue the desires of your heart? 

Well, along my journey, I have discovered self image is very key. Now hold on, I can hear the naysayers whispering, not another self help post.  The self image I'm referring to has to do with how God sees you.  So often we can't receive our blessings in the now, or much less, the future because we are stuck in the past. I can't speak for anybody else, but as for me, this past year was tumultuous to say the least. Now don't get me wrong, there were plenty of good things throughout this year, yet there were some pretty challenging times for me as well.  

If I can put my finger on the one thing I keep seeing over and over again, it has to do with what I'm expecting and why I'm expecting it.  I know your asking, what do I mean by this, well, for some reason there were several instances where God  put me in a position to receive far more than what I expected. I know, it sounds like that's a good thing huh? But in reality, its really in issue of me not expecting enough.  God wants us to expect more based on who we are in Him, not our circumstances.  

Sometimes, we see ourselves as not pretty enough, or thin enough and so on and so forth....but the truth is, none of us are good enough within ourselves. The real power comes from believing what God has said about you and working toward that vision and fulfilling that goal. Everything else, will either align with that vision or be removed from your life. This is a purpose producing life. This life is about God's purpose being fulfilled; not mine.  There is no purpose outside of God's purpose for my life.  We can go around and around the mulberry bush like the children of Israel did, or we can do it God's way and be blessed.  

Caleb said "let us go up at once" the bible refers to Caleb and Joshua as having another kind of Spirit. Caleb and Joshua believed what God said about them possessing the land. They were facing giants, yet they believed what God said, however, the other ten spies said "we are but grasshoppers". So, this brings me to my next question.

How do you see yourself?

To sum it all up, how you see yourself on the inside is where the real battle begins and where the true victory prevails. If you see yourself as a lion, you will pursue your dreams fiercely with unrelenting courage, or as timid as a domesticated kitty cat. According to your faith be it unto you.  

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year's Compassion

Here we are in the year of our Lord 2011. On New Year's Eve night I decided to celebrate and welcome in the new year by being in God's presence.  My church has a watch night service every New Year's Eve, and I knew this was the best place for me to be.  There are so many things I'm expecting from God, I just felt like I needed to take a more aggressive position toward what I wanted.   

One of the ways we celebrate at our church is by giving testimonies of what God has done over the past year. I love my pastor who makes it plain, "please only give your highlights and not every detail."  Being that we're only gonna be there until midnight, some people can shut the place down with their whole life story.

The first group who came forth were the youth. I could hear and see God moving through those children. It was as if God was painting a picture while telling a story.  There were several people who shared the good things as well as the troubles they were still believing God to move upon.  

While sitting and listening my heart was so overwhelmed I was moved to tears. It really doesn't take much for me to cry anyway, but this was different. My heart was breaking for these families. I could see so many needs that it became extremely overwhelming for me. So much so, continuing on into the next day. I was still crying for those people. I began to cry out to GOD  for these hurting people. Then it dawned on me, that's what Jesus did. Jesus was moved with compassion for us; all the way to the cross. He was touched with the feelings of our infirmities.  God was reminding me of how He felt my pain and only wanted me free.

Recently, I've been dealing with the process of letting go and I wasn't happy about it at all. But God. Once I finally said yes and decided to trust God, the Lord removed the weight I was carrying.  I was so distracted with what I may or may not have to do, I was beginning to toil.  All God wanted me to do was just ask, believe, and receive.

Anyway, that night I left everything I was toiling over at the alter. Now I'm just expecting.  God reminded me of how much He really loves me and wants to give me the desires of my heart. God wanted me to feel what was in His heart, so that I could better understand that He felt what was in mine. God is a loving and caring Father for us, not a task master.  

In John 15:7 Jesus said "If you abide in me and my word abide in you, you can ask ANYTHING and it shall be done for you."   

On that note, I'm just abiding and expecting.

Will you go, anyway?

  Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However,...