Thursday, May 11, 2017

I am a Rolls Royce

“Be in Love with every moment of your life” (Anonymous)

As plainly as I can put it, I know I am a Rolls Royce.
Yet, although I am of huge value, there are times I will get rained on
and dirty by being driven through ugly places in life. 
Yet, it does not change who I am, nor does it change my value.   
I am a Rolls Royce.
Whether you like me or not.
I am still a Rolls Royce.
The fact that you don't value me, does not change anything.
The reality of who I know I am, is all the reality that is necessary.
I am a Rolls Royce.

Friday, May 5, 2017

A Praying Woman

Not sure why, but for some reason, I strongly felt I needed to write about this experience of praying for the man I want. How many of you have ever done this?
Well, for starters, without really understanding how much of a difference this action of praying will really make. The one difference I notice, has happened within myself.
For a very long time, I have been doing a lot of expecting from an outward paradigm. Meaning, I was just looking for him to be what I want and all the things I am looking for in a man. And with good reason. There is a lot of mess out here that I do not want!!! Okay, but I digress.
I had a number of expectations and specifically, some things that I call (NWTDW) "Not willing to do without." Oh boy, I had a long list of things. Yet, however, the amazing transformation that has occurred, has happened within my thinking.
My thoughts have begun to shift from what he can do for me; to what I can do to be the best I could possibly be for him. Which leads me to my next question.
Are you praying to receive the desires of your heart?  And if so, what changes are you experiencing?
I know there is so much more to this subject, but that's it for now. "More will be revealed".
Much Love

Will you go, anyway?

  Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However,...