Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Can You Reach My Friend....

As Christians, how many of us are really concerned or even thinking about the needs of others we pass on a daily basis?  And better yet, who God may want to minister to.

Well, this past weekend, I was driving down Lincoln Boulevard in Marina Del Rey where I favor a particular Starbucks.  I was sitting at a stop light and just happened to look up and notice a young girl on the bus stop.  The sad thing was she had all these bags of clothes and stuff cluttering the bus bench.

Honestly, I see homeless people all the time and I'm not really moved by every one I see. Why? I guess maybe its because I'm not fully sure of their circumstances, so I only move based on compassion of the Holy Spirit, not feelings.

Anyway, I looked at this young woman a second time and noticed she was holding a small baby in her arms. Of course, I let out an audible reaction "oh my God, that's a little baby she's holding".  And as I looked closer there was another little baby on the bus bench. A little toddler. At that moment, I felt the presence of God all over me. I turned into the gas station and parked in front of the bus stop.

The young woman sees me approaching her and without hesitation, she smiles at me. As I walked closer to her, I begin to ask her about her circumstances and she shares about living in a nearby shelter. 

Just then, I asked her if she has money does she need anything?  She just began to cry and refused to take anything from me. And I just began to hold her and comfort her. I prayed for her and her babies and held her closely and encouraged her on the corner of Lincoln Boulevard and Venice. Traffic was so thick, it was barely moving. But God was in the midst of a traffic filled corner in Marina Del Rey that afternoon.

The Creator of this universe took the time to stop and pour Himself into a hurting young woman. This encounter has brought such change, not only into the young woman's life, but also into my life. Not to mention all those individuals who drove pass us and witnessed compassion being poured out as we embraced.    

I put a substantial amount of money in her hands and she just cried.  Which brings me to my next question:

Are you available for God to make Himself real in the lives of those who are in need and hurting?

We are the body of Christ. We are the hands and the feet of Christ to move on this earth and be the difference that the world so desperately needs.

Will you be the answer this world needs?

Let the Love of God be seen in you and demonstrated through you with compassion.

Much Love


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