Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Time to Give Thanks

How many of us are truly grateful for who we are? And better yet, for where we are?

Well, I for one have had my struggles along this path called life, but I have to admit, God has been so good to me, I shutter to even think where I'd be if I did not have the Lord in my life. Although I haven't blogged in a while, there's been so much in my heart and on my mind I could have gone in several directions, but somehow, I'm led to give thanks. 

The picture above was made by Tawanda Cooper who is one of my closest friends. She is a one of those people who I know I can take to war with me, as well as take to lunch. These types of people are far, few, and in between. We have ministered in many countries all across the nations, but seeing her recently put things into a whole new perspective for me. My friend is a highly educated woman, beautiful, and extremely talented. Yet, I've never seen her more happy and fulfilled as I witnessed her simply being a wife and mother to her little girl Kennedi.  

Anyway, this brings me to my next question:

Is living a purpose producing life about how much you accomplish and how important you are? Or with gratitude, making the most of your life, no matter where you are?

Honestly, if you would have told me twenty years ago that I'd be where I am today, I probably would have laughed and said "yeah right!!!".  The amazing thing is, God has been leading me for a long time and my life doesn't look anything like I thought it would. Actually, its more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

Anyway, I said all of that to say this. I am so grateful to God for where I am right now. I trust God because He has brought me this far, and He will lead me into my tomorrow. I'm living a purpose producing life filled with all the very best that life could possibly offer. Why?  Because I have God who reigns in my life and who is the very best that life could possibly offer. 

Much Love

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