Friday, August 26, 2011

The Moment of Truth

How many of you have ever come to a place in your life where you knew it was time to be real with You? I'm talking about a moment when you meet your true self.

This moment is "eth" consumed with truth and harsh reality....

I know you think you may know where I'm going with this, but hear me out. God has chosen me with a holy calling upon my life and although I am everything God says I am, there is a real war that rages against the very best of who God is in my life.

Well for me, I just happened upon myself through a mistake I kept making. It became a ritual of committing this sin every weekend and afterward I would cry out to God and ask for forgiveness.  I knew however God would forgive me and forget those mistakes.

Yet in reality, the moment of truth came when I realized I liked doing what I was doing and more than likely, I was going to do it again. So, that brings me to my next question:

How do you face the truth of yourself when you like/love doing something you know breaks God's heart?

This was heart breaking for me as well because I love the Lord. I was dealing with this issue from the religious perspective of me controlling a weakness. When in fact, regardless of how wrong it may be, I liked it and wanted to do it again. 

Just like the prodigal son, the bible says "he came to himself", or in other words he came to the realization of who he really was at that very moment. I got to a place where I knew this was a real weakness in my life that I was ashamed of.   

Bottom line, my moment of truth was realizing that there are some parts of me that I may struggle with for the rest of my life.  The only answer to freedom from sin is letting Christ be healing and deliverance in that part of my life where I'm weak, not how good I am at not committing a sin.

A purpose producing life is filled with all sorts of struggles and hardships. However, it is the life of a true over comer. Its a life that Christ reigns in; especially those parts of my life which are weak. "In my weakness He is made strong". 



  1. Well Done....:-). Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Thank you, Apostle. I appreciate your words of Love and encouragement.


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