Monday, October 29, 2012


When you think of the favor of God, do you think of all the wonderful blessings that come along with the goodness of God? However, we rarely ever consider all the pain that accompanies the blessings of being a chosen vessel of God.

One of the many things I’ve struggled with in my walk with God is the hatred, jealousy, and the envy at times I’ve experienced from others just for being who God called me to be. I better understand now, that many of those attacks were intimidating tactics to keep me from moving forward. I know, some of you are probably saying, “but how is that so, you’re in the will of the Father”

Well, serving God is good, but it’s not always fair. There have been times when others have competed with me over a particular thing they’ve wanted so badly, and I’ve walked right into the very same situation and accomplished that very same thing, effortlessly. Not to mention how angry that may have made the individuals who have worked for that very same desire. Yet, I believe God uses different situations to challenge and provoke us to change. I’ve also been on the other side of this as well. God has placed people in my life who have provoked me, and yes, they have irritated the heck out of me.

Well, at this point of my life, I see things very differently in the sense of being far more aware of others and their feelings, as well as, sensitive to not be so threatening, or at least not giving the appearance of flaunting my blessings in front of others. However, some people just don’t like you and there is really nothing you can do about that but show love where it’s received and keep on moving.

This brings me to my next question.

How are you responding to the favor of God in your life?

Sometimes, we get angry about situations that are occurring in our lives that make us uncomfortable as well as feeling persecuted, and we try to make it stop. We start to do things like push people away, we even get angry with God about certain situations that have not turned out the way we expected, and are often totally clueless to the fact that God’s favor is covering you.

I said all of this to say, God’s favor is not always a fun place to be, nor does it always position you to look as if your life is in the best place, but that’s where the lie begins. God’s favor sets you up to receive nothing but the best even though it sometimes does not appear that way.

Trust God in whatever place you find yourself and let the Lord lead you into that place of blessing where you also are effortlessly producing the purposes of God in everything that is within your heart.

Much Love,


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