I recently got a reminder of what walking in dominion truly means. Dominion begins with knowing who you are in Christ and exercising your God given authority.
Well on that note, being the personality that I am, I had to come to a resolve within myself. I realized that I sometimes make the same mistakes over and over again, and that's not the bad part. Where I would fall short is the presumption that people are supposed to actually care.
I am one of those personalities who gets pleasure out of helping others, it's who I am and what I love to. I've always been a person who reaches out wherever there's a need. But hold on, that's not always a good thing. Often times, I over extend myself which intern would lead to my own hurt. Well, after doing things to help others and getting worn out, of course, I would get upset and feel mistreated.
What I discovered, I was the author of my own confusion. I was the one who was cooperating with disaster.
I realized, I had no one else to blame, but myself...
Well, I decided I was not going to cooperate any longer. I am the one who has total control over what was happening in my life. The things in my life I didn't like, I had the power to change. God has already given me dominion.
This brings me to my new discovery...
I recently had an experience with an individual who often comes to me for help. Of course, in the past I would make myself available and over extend myself to help take some of the pressure off of her, but without consideration of what I was taking on. However, this time, I decided I was just not going to do it. I was already extremely busy and stretched too far in my own responsibilities. Well, this individual got very upset. So much so, this person looked me square in the face and said...JUST DO IT!!!
Well, if I didn't mention it before, this is a co-worker. Someone who has absolutely no right to demand anything from me. Everything I've previously done to help her was out of the kindness of my heart. Needless to say, this really pissed me off. Before I could really think, I was expressing an emphatic "NO". Which caused several people to look and ask...okay Nicole what's going on?
I was simply "just not going to help"...
Shortly after, when I got back to my desk to breathe and re-cap what had just happened, "I decided" this is not acceptable and I'm not taking this mess. I could hear the Lord reminding me, I didn't owe anybody anything, but to love them.
Meaning, I don't have to prove my love to God by taking garbage that others dish out. It does not make me anymore spiritual, or closer to God. It was a lie straight from the pit.
This was about exercising my dominion....
Whether you believe it or not, if you don't take dominion over your own life, somebody else will do it for you.
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