Blogging about God's thoughts, ways, will, and plans being established on the earth through my life producing His purpose.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My Response to God is Yes
Has there ever been something in your life you really loved? Well I have had a number of things I can truly say I've loved. But here's a thought.
What if God required the very thing you love? Can you freely let it go?
I have found myself in this place many times, and somehow it never gets any easier. I have had to let go of positions, people, homes, and even some dreams. This is a subject I was really trying to avoid because for some, it can be a real downer. Yet, it is a reality in the lives of those who are true followers of Christ. I started writing on this particular subject about two or three weeks ago and then I erased it. I just didn't want to face the direction I knew I was moving in.
Now, I realize it was fear gripping me all along. More than likely, the very reason why I had to let go was because it became a weight and such a great longing. God will have no other God's before Him.
The good part is, you can't beat God giving. No matter what it is that God requires of you, or when you decide to release something back to God, it positions you to receive even more. The hard part is convincing ourselves to let go.
Recently, I admitted to falling in love with someone. I thought if I confessed it, somehow things would change, but nope. However, the freedom I've discovered through this process was, it was never about me loving him or even having to let him go, but how I viewed God.
Moreover, the most important thing in this process is keeping your heart open and pliable in God's hands. Once you decide to let go, can you still love freely. Your heart condition is "key" to the effectiveness in how or if God can even use you.
I can see so many things God is doing to bring true change, first, within myself, then God can use me the way in which He desires to bring transformation to this world. Its a purpose producing life. I'm sorry its not pretty or perfect, but it is real and powerful for the Kingdom of God. Its not for the faint of heart, but for those who will endure to the end; at all costs.
So the question still remains, what are you willing to give to fulfill your purpose?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Trees of Righteousness

Recently, I have been seeking the Lord for answers about where I am and how this place applies to my future. What I discovered was the "fruit" God was pruning me for to produce from my life. I strongly believe in being what I preach to others. Paul in the bible talks about not being made ashamed after you have preached, or becoming disqualified. Meaning, after you have given truth to others, yet, you have not allowed truth to minister back to you. This whole concept reminds me of a love affair between two people who go back and forth expressing their love for one another.
Well, that's exactly what it is.....
Its the love affair between me and my heavenly Father. It is through this love affair that we truly discover who and where we are. And like all love affairs, there are rough spots. My love affair with the Lord is no different. Just like any love relationship, it gets hard and we sometimes feel like giving up. Often, we make the mistake of not continuing in a certain direction because it doesn't feel good. However, in reality the answer is to continue on and never give up in spite of how you might feel.
You have made a commitment to LOVE....
I'm reminded when I was a teenager, I rededicated my life to the Lord. I was so full of zeal and fire, there was absolutely no stopping me. I accomplished so many things because I was on fire. However, as time went on, there became a lack of luster in my walk. There were many betrayals and losses along the way that caused me to re-think how I felt about life and about people in general. Throughout this process the one thing that never changed was the commitment I made to the Lord. Yet it was the one thing constantly being challenged to press through. It is no different in our love relationships. It starts out really hot and somewhere down the line, the feeling changes and we sometimes let go, or even ponder letting go.
The real victory is in FINISHING what you committed to do....
As of recently, the Lord has made this revelation so clear to me with the help of a very dear friend of mine. God has used this brother to help me clear the path for love to operate in my life like never before. I have discovered that when God brings people in our lives, we've got a choice to make. Those relationships are either short lived, seasonal, or lifelong. It is what we do from moment to moment in those relationships that will determine the longevity of that state. Remember, people are people and we all make mistakes.
We are mirrors for one another and sometimes, we get irritated with one another because we really need to check ourselves instead of the other person, but often, we readily place blame on the other person when its really an inward issue we need to address and change. Anyway, I said all this to say, through this revelation, I have discovered love in someone that has changed my entire way of pursuing my own dreams. Everything within me wants what is best for him, more than anything else, even if it was to let him go.
OKAY, there I said it...I'm in love.
In seeking the Lord, and pursuing God's presence, I not only grew closer to the father, but I found love in someone else. I had no idea or plan of this, but it is a reality in my life. I've just decided to not ignore what's in my heart any longer. There are a great number of things I'm not sure of, but one thing is for certain, this love is real. I choose to openly receive it and freely give it back. I'm not afraid anymore.
I welcome all that God is doing in my life and I'm so grateful for the love that is in my heart.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A True Braveheart
This weekend I watched an interview of the screenwriter who wrote the screen play for the movie Braveheart. What I found fascinating was the story behind the story of the movie. Remember in the movie whenever William Wallace (Mel Gibson) would get discouraged, he would see his wife who was brutally murdered. She had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes and somehow Wallace would be strengthened and keep going.
Well the story behind the story is the screenwriter had severe asthma as a child, and his grandmother would pick him up and walk him around to keep him calm because any excitement could cause an attack; and kill him. His grandmother had piercing blue eyes and while he was sick, he would just look into her eyes and all he could remember was seeing love. She would walk him around all night if necessary and sing to him, but looking into her eyes kept him safe and alive.
In the movie Braveheart, most people saw it as an action epic of war, when in fact, its a love story. Wallace's wife is brutally murdered and he wages war against England and its barbaric practices bestowed on the people of Scotland. The brutality was a result of the love he lost and Wallace's quest to regain respect and dignity for his people. Wallace decided to change how things were done, even if it costs him his life and eventually it did.
I guess it all depends on your perception and what eyes your looking through to see things in a different way. I just choose to believe that real love has the power to take you to this place of no return. More so, if the power of love is really operating in you with grandeur, you will be willing to do whatever is necessary to accomplish exactly what's in your heart, even til death.
Because after all what else is there?
If the life you're living is not pushing you to a place where you don't have to risk anything, then you're just faking the funk. You have not really entered into a place of all or nothing. This is the place where the rubber meets the road and there is no turning back.
There's a brief description of the movie that says "Every man dies, not every man really lives." How sobering is that statement? I want some much more than mediocrity and when I start to feel like I'm not moving the way in which I know I can, it gets very frustrating for me.
I guess I'm just an all or nothing kinda gal. I don't want a piece of anything, I want it all. If I cant have it all, then I don't want it; at all. I believe that whatever God has for me, its mine and I don't have to apologize for it. Now I know this type of attitude has gotten me into some trouble in the past, but so what, I've also been in trouble for far less. But on the other hand, its this very attitude that has opened many doors for me.
Anyway, I'm just at a place where I know faith works by love and sometimes you've just got to let go and jump. God has given me the Braveheart to do all that He has placed inside of me. I don't have to fear for anything because God is with me all the way.
Much Love
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Soul Of A Woman
This is a confession of my soul.
I have recently discovered that God wants me to have what my heart desires far more than I even wanted it. How can I quantify that statement? Well, let me explain.
For years I have been believing God for specific blessings to manifest in my life. However, on some level I have been fighting God every step of the way. Sadly, I didn't realize what I was doing, but truth has a way of shinning the light on your circumstances, and sometimes even forcibly pushing you into a place you never anticipated. Sometimes, God will put people right in front of you and the amazing part is those same people hold the keys to your future.
Through the process of seeking God, there are series of events that will take place to reveal not only the mind of God, but also, the very answers you've been praying for. Funny thing is, we're often clueless as to the reality of this truth because our nature is to gravitate to what we already know, and many times we miss the blessings of the unknown because of fear.
I know your asking what do I mean by all this, well, hold on and let me tell you. One of the many desires of my heart is to meet the man God has prepared for me. However, I've been walking around with a cloak of invisibility (my fat cloak). I thought it was just easier for me to avoid sin and the pressures of wanting to have sex by being overweight. Now here me out, I didn't plan it that way, but this is the result from wanting to hide and not facing the truth. Oh but here's the kicker, the strong desire to want to have sex has never changed.
So why did I put myself through all this hell for nothing? Or did I? This brings me to my recent discovery. I'm really good at pouring myself out into the lives of others, one of my Spiritual Grace Gifts is to EXHORT. Oh I can break that thing down. I love building people, but I have a tendency to pour out and not receive in return. Well as of lately, God has put me in a place of receiving and honestly, it took some work for me. The real issue was receiving the way in which God wanted me to, and that's what I had a problem with.
Truth be told, God has been trying to get certain answers to me for some time now, but I just refused to hear what I didn't want to hear. To make it clearer, it was never about being overweight cause I'm still sexy. No, that was not the issue, the real issue was about me receiving what God had and whom He chose to use in my life that I had a problem with. Now here's my disclaimer, this statement does not mean in any way that I'm saying its okay to be overweight and I don't have to change. Truth is, me being overweight is not really who I am, or even the best that God wants for me, not to mention its unhealthy.
The real lesson in all this is to be led by the Spirit of God. There is no other way. You will only make yourself crazy trying to do a whole bunch of things that will never fulfill you. God will even go so far as to put the love your looking for into someone you would have never suspected, and it will hit you like a ton of bricks. I just decided to surrender to love and all that God has for me in His way.
Much Love
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Fact Is I Need You
So often as women, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of self deception. As black women, we endure so much. At times, we become hard and disconnected because of hurts and disappointments. Some of the words that come out of our mouths are extremely devastating. Destructive words such as:
Well, let me make it real clear, that's a lie. I am thoroughly convinced that my life would not be the same without your influence. Now, I have to admit, there have been some frogs in my life. Actually, I'm thankful that I've overcame those issues and could eventually...forgive them.
But here's a thought.
Could I really respect and honor the blessing of a God given man, had I not experienced the pain of a counterfeit? In fact, how would I possibly know the difference?
It seems relatively sensible to me. Now, at this point of my life, I'm far more aware of what it is that I want; as well as what I don't. I can see so much more clearly how God has placed such magnificent men in my life. From my brothers to my uncles and friends across the board. I have really been blessed.
God has truly used men to restore my life in so many ways. I'm fascinated with the different influences from school, ministry, business, fitness, and for those of you who just make me feel like a beautiful women.
Although I can buy myself pretty much anything I want is not the issue. However, somethings just don't ever change. That my friend is the STRONG need I have for you, my BLACK brother.
Much Love
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Let Go And...Just Go
Has there ever been a time in your life when you just knew it was time to go?
Well as for me, I can think of a number of times. I don't mean like its time to go to work, or anything so common. I'm talking about a time where you have uprooted your life to move into a different place of change without knowing what's on the other side.
I can freely say, this was a very awkward time for me. I was comfortable where I was in my life and everything made sense. I had control over my life, so to speak. However, there was a part of me that was very unsatisfied and there was a longing for more of God in my life. I was very busy at church with many different projects of ministry, but something was still missing.
A particular time was an experience I had in 2005. Before the season changed, my identity was clear and concise. I had all my ducks in a row. I knew who I was and it was all gravy baby. The first clue my life had changed was when I was offered an opportunity to go on a ministry trip overseas. I knew then God was speaking to me and answering my prayers. Although it was an amazing opportunity, some did not want me to go, and were not at all happy with this change.
In old Nicole fashion, I started wondering if I should go or not. Yet, in my heart I knew better. Well, while I was contemplating whether or not to go, the Lord gave me a dream to settle any and all doubts I was having, once and for all. (maybe one day I'll share that dream).
Anyway, I said yes to God and His destiny for my life and there was no turning back. After I got home from that trip, I was walking in a new mantle. Meaning, I could no longer function as I did in the past. The Holy Spirit opened Himself to me in a way that I had never experienced before. I simply could not ignore that uncomfortable place of complacency. I knew it was time for me to just go.
The amazing thing is, once you've stepped into that new realm, you don't have to worry about if you can let go of somethings because I promise you, God will help you by placing a hedge between you and your past, so much so, that some people from your past, will reject and push you out.
I'm not gonna lie, all hell broke loose.
If I had never stepped out, I'm sure I'd be doing something in the church, but never on the level that God has elevated me. I had to come to a resolve within myself to just go, even if I had to go by myself. As you can see, I did. Yes I was scared, ashamed, unsure, but however, full of joy, faith, and expectancy of hope for all God had for me.
Needless to say, my life has never been the same. I don't even resemble that person I use to be. I went from being a good leader in ministry to becoming a daughter of the Most High God, who is living her purpose and furthermore, helping others to fulfill their destiny.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Let Your Light So Shine
Have you ever been in a situation where you were torn between light and darkness?
Well, the type of light I'm speaking of has to do with making righteous choices, versus cowering to the power of sin.
Recently I was faced with a dilemma. I felt unsure about the way in which I spent time with an individual who is fairly new in my life, but I believe they are definitely a harvest that God has placed in my life to outreach and minister to. Although this individual is a lot of fun, they use such profanity and vulgarity, its hard to be around them too long before I'm irritated.
I began to wonder. Nicole do you disband this relationship, shorten the time you spend, or let this person know how you feel and let them decide.
And by the way, they know I'm a minister....
Okay hold on, I can hear you sucking your teeth, saying....she's making way too much out of this.
But hear me out. My real dilemma was I felt like all the vulgarity was going to have an affect on me. I'm a minister of the Gospel, I don't need to be around this kind of filth....okay you can stop laughing now.
Well, what I decided to do was talk to the Lord about it. Needless to say, God heard my heart cry and gave me an answer. I was so busy worrying about what the vulgarity was doing to me, that I forgot about who I really was.
Anyway, one day while we were hanging out, a conversation about the things of God came up. I just began to listen and my friend began to express appreciation for my willingness to let them be their self without feeling judged by me.
Well, I said all of that to say this: This was never about me letting someone disrespect me with unwelcome profanity. This was really about letting God be big enough in my life to shine His light through to help them see the way.
We have been sent into a world of darkness to be salt and light. We are in the world, but not of the world.
Monday, August 30, 2010
I Decided..........
How many of us have given up on something because things in your life fell apart, or just got way too hard to keep going?
Well it seems this has been the story of my life, or so I thought. There have been numerous attempts of business, weight loss, relationships, careers, and etc.... Some with great success and others with enormous failure. But through it all, what I've discovered is I had to make a decision of whether or not to keep going or to stay where I was.
Although some of the stuff I had encountered was not my fault, it really didn't matter. Life will throw things at you and some of those thing are so big and destructive, that it seems you can never get back on track. For some reason, God saw fit to walk out a path for me that has taken me to some really ugly places. However, everything I've been through has brought me to a place of victory and authority. Nonetheless, not just for myself, but also, for those who will be impacted by my life.
Nine years ago, the Lord gave me the ministry of Purpose Productions, and the foundation of my ministry is (Romans 8:28) "For we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God, who are the called according to His purpose."
Sounds deep and spiritual, huh? Well, little did I know of the process I would endure to become exactly who God said. One of the hardest struggles I've faced was myself and all of my failures. It seems like its been one thing after another that have come to knock me off the place God gave. The thing that intrigues me most is the fact that I've sought the Lord and God moved, but somehow situations and circumstances brought about certain changes through hurts and disappointments and some of those experiences just left me in a place of grieving.
Funny thing is, for such a long time I didn't know I was grieving, I just thought I was getting my barrings and giving myself a chance to catch my breath, so to speak. There is a scripture in the bible where Paul says "you were running well, what hindered you?"
At this point of my life, I honestly believe I would not be as effective had I not gone through all I have endured, as well as overcome. This doesn't mean God could not have taken me a different way, but for some reason God chose to take me in this direction.
Bottom line is, I believe God has transformed my life to become the ministry He has given me. As a result, the Lord is producing His purpose through my life on this earth. However, I had to make a decision to believe God and then keep on believing because each day begins with a decision.
Well it seems this has been the story of my life, or so I thought. There have been numerous attempts of business, weight loss, relationships, careers, and etc.... Some with great success and others with enormous failure. But through it all, what I've discovered is I had to make a decision of whether or not to keep going or to stay where I was.
Although some of the stuff I had encountered was not my fault, it really didn't matter. Life will throw things at you and some of those thing are so big and destructive, that it seems you can never get back on track. For some reason, God saw fit to walk out a path for me that has taken me to some really ugly places. However, everything I've been through has brought me to a place of victory and authority. Nonetheless, not just for myself, but also, for those who will be impacted by my life.
Nine years ago, the Lord gave me the ministry of Purpose Productions, and the foundation of my ministry is (Romans 8:28) "For we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God, who are the called according to His purpose."
Sounds deep and spiritual, huh? Well, little did I know of the process I would endure to become exactly who God said. One of the hardest struggles I've faced was myself and all of my failures. It seems like its been one thing after another that have come to knock me off the place God gave. The thing that intrigues me most is the fact that I've sought the Lord and God moved, but somehow situations and circumstances brought about certain changes through hurts and disappointments and some of those experiences just left me in a place of grieving.
Funny thing is, for such a long time I didn't know I was grieving, I just thought I was getting my barrings and giving myself a chance to catch my breath, so to speak. There is a scripture in the bible where Paul says "you were running well, what hindered you?"
At this point of my life, I honestly believe I would not be as effective had I not gone through all I have endured, as well as overcome. This doesn't mean God could not have taken me a different way, but for some reason God chose to take me in this direction.
Bottom line is, I believe God has transformed my life to become the ministry He has given me. As a result, the Lord is producing His purpose through my life on this earth. However, I had to make a decision to believe God and then keep on believing because each day begins with a decision.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I Got A New Attitude
Have you ever had a name change? Well I did, and my life has never been the same. The funny thing about this name change is not where I legally went and changed my name. This name change was about God giving me a new identity.
I was at an ibM Mentoring Session with Barbara Wentroble in Denton, Texas. And if you've never been in one of Barbara's sessions, all I can say is hold on because change is on the way. During the session, I got acquainted with a networking minister named Linda who was from Oklahoma, and we spent the next two days getting to know one another.
Anyway, she began to call me Veronica every time she spoke to me. I explained to her no worries, I understood it was a mistake. But what was so fascinating, is that she kept on calling me Veronica for the rest of the time we were together.
Okay, the both of us being prophetic people, looked at each other and said there is something to this. But shortly after, I casually shrugged it off and never really thought about it any further. Well, two weeks later Linda calls me at 7:00 am to share with me what God had given her. Not really moved, because it was still so early, I listened without much enthusiasm, hey, I was sleeping real good that morning. Anyhow, Linda began to share with me what God gave her, and this is what she said.
"Nicole, your name means victory and remember I kept calling you Veronica, well, Veronica means the bringer of the victory. You are no longer just victorious, but from now on, you will bring the victory to others."
Its seems like such a small thing huh? But what you need to know is, I received that word from the Lord through Linda, and everything from that moment changed. My whole thought process had shifted. I no longer was in the mindset of being blessed. I had stepped into a whole new realm of thinking. In this place, my desire changed from self to longing for others to have nothing but the best from God.
What God showed me was He wanted me to know He was using me in a very unique and powerful way. But first, I had to believe what God said. Once I believed that word Linda gave me, the change had begun. My life has never been the same.
Now, I realize this was about authority, and understanding how to operate in it. Its one thing to have authority, and another to know how to use it. God wants us to see ourselves seated in heavenly places like Christ. We have been given such power to bring change on this earth. Unfortunately, so many individuals do not know who they are in Christ, and simply cannot bring the victory as God intended for us to do.
I was at an ibM Mentoring Session with Barbara Wentroble in Denton, Texas. And if you've never been in one of Barbara's sessions, all I can say is hold on because change is on the way. During the session, I got acquainted with a networking minister named Linda who was from Oklahoma, and we spent the next two days getting to know one another.
Anyway, she began to call me Veronica every time she spoke to me. I explained to her no worries, I understood it was a mistake. But what was so fascinating, is that she kept on calling me Veronica for the rest of the time we were together.
Okay, the both of us being prophetic people, looked at each other and said there is something to this. But shortly after, I casually shrugged it off and never really thought about it any further. Well, two weeks later Linda calls me at 7:00 am to share with me what God had given her. Not really moved, because it was still so early, I listened without much enthusiasm, hey, I was sleeping real good that morning. Anyhow, Linda began to share with me what God gave her, and this is what she said.
"Nicole, your name means victory and remember I kept calling you Veronica, well, Veronica means the bringer of the victory. You are no longer just victorious, but from now on, you will bring the victory to others."
Its seems like such a small thing huh? But what you need to know is, I received that word from the Lord through Linda, and everything from that moment changed. My whole thought process had shifted. I no longer was in the mindset of being blessed. I had stepped into a whole new realm of thinking. In this place, my desire changed from self to longing for others to have nothing but the best from God.
What God showed me was He wanted me to know He was using me in a very unique and powerful way. But first, I had to believe what God said. Once I believed that word Linda gave me, the change had begun. My life has never been the same.
Now, I realize this was about authority, and understanding how to operate in it. Its one thing to have authority, and another to know how to use it. God wants us to see ourselves seated in heavenly places like Christ. We have been given such power to bring change on this earth. Unfortunately, so many individuals do not know who they are in Christ, and simply cannot bring the victory as God intended for us to do.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
To The Man I Love
I'm writing this letter to the man I love because I want you to know what's in my heart. I fell in love with you because of so many reasons. You are such a loving person who genuinely loves and cares for others. You do for others simply because you get pleasure from doing so.
I have to admit, I was a bit concerned about when you were coming into my life because it has taken so many years to finally meet you. Now that I've met you, I'm giddy as a school girl just at the thought of your smile. God answered my prayer for a man who loved God more than he loved me. I knew that if I loved a man with this quality, I couldn't go wrong. This quality was extremely important to me because I know your heart is to please God first and me second.
You not only make me want to be a better person, I am a better person because of you. My desire is to please you as I please God. Since you have come into my life, I have come alive in ways that words cannot fully express. The only thing I want to do is show you my love in demonstration. There are so many dreams and ideas I have inside of me, and it feels so good to know that now you are here to live them with me. I look forward to spending time with you and all the new things I'll discover about you through the life we'll share together. It excites me to know that we have similar dreams and desires to bring change to this world.
The fact that you challenge as well as support me, makes me long for you all the more.You continually impress me with your undeniable acceptance. Its refreshing to know that you're not intimidated by me. I just want you to know, its my pleasure to follow you wherever you go. I just want to be with you. These are just a few things that really excite me when I think of you.
I have to admit, I was a bit concerned about when you were coming into my life because it has taken so many years to finally meet you. Now that I've met you, I'm giddy as a school girl just at the thought of your smile. God answered my prayer for a man who loved God more than he loved me. I knew that if I loved a man with this quality, I couldn't go wrong. This quality was extremely important to me because I know your heart is to please God first and me second.
You not only make me want to be a better person, I am a better person because of you. My desire is to please you as I please God. Since you have come into my life, I have come alive in ways that words cannot fully express. The only thing I want to do is show you my love in demonstration. There are so many dreams and ideas I have inside of me, and it feels so good to know that now you are here to live them with me. I look forward to spending time with you and all the new things I'll discover about you through the life we'll share together. It excites me to know that we have similar dreams and desires to bring change to this world.
The fact that you challenge as well as support me, makes me long for you all the more.You continually impress me with your undeniable acceptance. Its refreshing to know that you're not intimidated by me. I just want you to know, its my pleasure to follow you wherever you go. I just want to be with you. These are just a few things that really excite me when I think of you.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
True To Yourself
One of the biggest enemies to your soul is self deception.
What do I mean by this statement?
How many of us go through day after day doing things we know we don't like or even agree with, but we do it anyway. Now hear me out. I don't mean to speak everything that's on your mind. That would be way too risky for some to deal with. I'm talking about being true to yourself about who you are and what you want out of life.
There's a book by T.D. Jakes called "Naked And Not Ashamed." For me, this is one of those books that I keep close at bedside and read every now and then. One of the many lessons I've learned from this book is how to be totally honest with God. First of all, it really doesn't matter how you try to fake it, God already knows exactly how you truly feel anyway, so why even play yourself. So many of us have mastered how to play the game of what I call "getting by."
And as I mentioned before, you cannot just share all of your thoughts...oh believe me, I just cannot. I've learned how to come before God and just be real in situations where someone does nasty things and I just don't like that person, or if I want to do something that I know is wrong, but I want to do it anyway. Yeah...we've all been there. We all have unpleasant thoughts and feelings about one thing or another. What separates thoses who overcome from those who stay in that same ole place of deception, is the choice to be honest with God and with yourself. By truly expressing your heart and asking God to help you in the midst of that place empowers you.
No matter how bad you may have messed up, or how ugly you may feel. By getting in the presence of God being naked and not ashamed of where you are rescinds all the power from the enemy.
This represents a place of power and authority over your own thoughts as well as your own decisions to succeed further in your walk with God. There are always going to be situations and circumstances that happen, and oftentimes beyond your control. How you perceive and the actions that you take will definitely dictate your outcome. The difference between a wise man and a fool are his thoughts and words which intern will lead to specific actions.
What do I mean by this statement?
How many of us go through day after day doing things we know we don't like or even agree with, but we do it anyway. Now hear me out. I don't mean to speak everything that's on your mind. That would be way too risky for some to deal with. I'm talking about being true to yourself about who you are and what you want out of life.
There's a book by T.D. Jakes called "Naked And Not Ashamed." For me, this is one of those books that I keep close at bedside and read every now and then. One of the many lessons I've learned from this book is how to be totally honest with God. First of all, it really doesn't matter how you try to fake it, God already knows exactly how you truly feel anyway, so why even play yourself. So many of us have mastered how to play the game of what I call "getting by."
And as I mentioned before, you cannot just share all of your thoughts...oh believe me, I just cannot. I've learned how to come before God and just be real in situations where someone does nasty things and I just don't like that person, or if I want to do something that I know is wrong, but I want to do it anyway. Yeah...we've all been there. We all have unpleasant thoughts and feelings about one thing or another. What separates thoses who overcome from those who stay in that same ole place of deception, is the choice to be honest with God and with yourself. By truly expressing your heart and asking God to help you in the midst of that place empowers you.
No matter how bad you may have messed up, or how ugly you may feel. By getting in the presence of God being naked and not ashamed of where you are rescinds all the power from the enemy.
This represents a place of power and authority over your own thoughts as well as your own decisions to succeed further in your walk with God. There are always going to be situations and circumstances that happen, and oftentimes beyond your control. How you perceive and the actions that you take will definitely dictate your outcome. The difference between a wise man and a fool are his thoughts and words which intern will lead to specific actions.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Stop In The Name Of Love

Recently, I've been doing a lot of thinking about getting married and what that picture would look like. It's amazing to me how we as people, often seem to have this picturesque idea of what we think a married life is supposed to be.
Well, I know I's a glimpse of what most people view marriage as looking like. You meet this person and fall in love and decide to get married. Everything about this person makes you feel great. Just thinking about them sets your heart on fire. Not to mention, when you see them. Tsst, that's the sound of wetting my finger and touching something really hot. You get the picture. The fantasy is the most beautiful person you've ever seen, everything about them is amazing. Fantasy person makes you feel alive, your whole world is brand new and all you want to do is just smile whenever you think about them.
This person is usually beautifully flawless, and who absolutely caters to your every whim. This person totally understands all of your needs and fulfills each and everyone of them without fail.
Ahh NOT!!
C'mon now, you know good and well that's not how marriage works. Now hold on, I don't mean to sound cynical, but that's where the very problem begins. Most people go into a marriage thinking of themselves and all the things that someone else is going to do for them. We usually never fantasize about all the things we get to do for the other person, well, other than sex.
Most people who are longing to be married, think of marriage as some big jack pot. Many are deceived in thinking that all your troubles are over and that's just not true. If you were a jerk before you got married, you'll still be a jerk after you're married. If you're a slob and didn't like to clean up before you got married, more than likely, you'll still be a slob after the I Do's.
It's not that the love has failed, or that we've even made a mistake in our choice of mate. People often give up because of selfish thinking and desires.
In the book of Genesis, Adam said to Eve "you are now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." At that moment, God only recognized them as one unit , not two anymore. the two became one. Usually, when people first get married, everything is wonderful. The two agree on things together, making decisions for one another. They consider each others needs and oblige one another.
There are so many who get married and then shortly after, they say the love is gone, no its not. Somewhere down the line, selfishness stepped in and decided to stay awhile and have some tea and crumpets. That's when the one unit becomes two again. At that point, everything is about their own selfish desires and what someone else can do for them, and if you don't meet all of those demands, then it's over.
God intended for marriage to be about love, commitment and intimacy. It's a whole lot more than just feeling a certain way about a person. Love is a choice. Even when you don't feel it, you keep on loving the other person until you get that feeling again.
Well, I know I's a glimpse of what most people view marriage as looking like. You meet this person and fall in love and decide to get married. Everything about this person makes you feel great. Just thinking about them sets your heart on fire. Not to mention, when you see them. Tsst, that's the sound of wetting my finger and touching something really hot. You get the picture. The fantasy is the most beautiful person you've ever seen, everything about them is amazing. Fantasy person makes you feel alive, your whole world is brand new and all you want to do is just smile whenever you think about them.
This person is usually beautifully flawless, and who absolutely caters to your every whim. This person totally understands all of your needs and fulfills each and everyone of them without fail.
Ahh NOT!!
C'mon now, you know good and well that's not how marriage works. Now hold on, I don't mean to sound cynical, but that's where the very problem begins. Most people go into a marriage thinking of themselves and all the things that someone else is going to do for them. We usually never fantasize about all the things we get to do for the other person, well, other than sex.
Most people who are longing to be married, think of marriage as some big jack pot. Many are deceived in thinking that all your troubles are over and that's just not true. If you were a jerk before you got married, you'll still be a jerk after you're married. If you're a slob and didn't like to clean up before you got married, more than likely, you'll still be a slob after the I Do's.
It's not that the love has failed, or that we've even made a mistake in our choice of mate. People often give up because of selfish thinking and desires.
In the book of Genesis, Adam said to Eve "you are now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." At that moment, God only recognized them as one unit , not two anymore. the two became one. Usually, when people first get married, everything is wonderful. The two agree on things together, making decisions for one another. They consider each others needs and oblige one another.
There are so many who get married and then shortly after, they say the love is gone, no its not. Somewhere down the line, selfishness stepped in and decided to stay awhile and have some tea and crumpets. That's when the one unit becomes two again. At that point, everything is about their own selfish desires and what someone else can do for them, and if you don't meet all of those demands, then it's over.
God intended for marriage to be about love, commitment and intimacy. It's a whole lot more than just feeling a certain way about a person. Love is a choice. Even when you don't feel it, you keep on loving the other person until you get that feeling again.
Love suffers long, and is kind; love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails. I corinthians 13:4-8.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I recently got a reminder of what walking in dominion truly means. Dominion begins with knowing who you are in Christ and exercising your God given authority.
Well on that note, being the personality that I am, I had to come to a resolve within myself. I realized that I sometimes make the same mistakes over and over again, and that's not the bad part. Where I would fall short is the presumption that people are supposed to actually care.
I am one of those personalities who gets pleasure out of helping others, it's who I am and what I love to. I've always been a person who reaches out wherever there's a need. But hold on, that's not always a good thing. Often times, I over extend myself which intern would lead to my own hurt. Well, after doing things to help others and getting worn out, of course, I would get upset and feel mistreated.
What I discovered, I was the author of my own confusion. I was the one who was cooperating with disaster.
I realized, I had no one else to blame, but myself...
Well, I decided I was not going to cooperate any longer. I am the one who has total control over what was happening in my life. The things in my life I didn't like, I had the power to change. God has already given me dominion.
This brings me to my new discovery...
I recently had an experience with an individual who often comes to me for help. Of course, in the past I would make myself available and over extend myself to help take some of the pressure off of her, but without consideration of what I was taking on. However, this time, I decided I was just not going to do it. I was already extremely busy and stretched too far in my own responsibilities. Well, this individual got very upset. So much so, this person looked me square in the face and said...JUST DO IT!!!
Well, if I didn't mention it before, this is a co-worker. Someone who has absolutely no right to demand anything from me. Everything I've previously done to help her was out of the kindness of my heart. Needless to say, this really pissed me off. Before I could really think, I was expressing an emphatic "NO". Which caused several people to look and ask...okay Nicole what's going on?
I was simply "just not going to help"...
Shortly after, when I got back to my desk to breathe and re-cap what had just happened, "I decided" this is not acceptable and I'm not taking this mess. I could hear the Lord reminding me, I didn't owe anybody anything, but to love them.
Meaning, I don't have to prove my love to God by taking garbage that others dish out. It does not make me anymore spiritual, or closer to God. It was a lie straight from the pit.
This was about exercising my dominion....
Whether you believe it or not, if you don't take dominion over your own life, somebody else will do it for you.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Letting Go (Part I)

Today I let go of some stuff I've had for a long time. What's so amazing, it was stuff I had been trying to get rid of, but for some unlikely reason, I just didn't.
Several months ago I went through my closets and bagged three huge bags of clothes. I have a lot of clothes. A lot of very expensive clothes.
What I find so crazy, the reason those bags stayed in my upstairs hallway for several months before I actually got rid of them. I had already decided that I didn't want them any longer. What the heck was I scared of? Which brings me to my next question.
Several months ago I went through my closets and bagged three huge bags of clothes. I have a lot of clothes. A lot of very expensive clothes.
What I find so crazy, the reason those bags stayed in my upstairs hallway for several months before I actually got rid of them. I had already decided that I didn't want them any longer. What the heck was I scared of? Which brings me to my next question.
What are you holding on to?
It's amazing to me the stuff we carry as people. Sometimes, we even carry stuff we adamantly and unalterably do not want.
What's up with that?
This morning I got up and "decided" I was not going to walk past those bags another day. Needless to say, all that stuff is now gone. In doing so, what I discovered was a freedom and a liberty that came over me. So much so, that I had to blog about it. There are so many people who just need to let go.
I realize that this experience was about me overcoming fear. Fear shows up in many different forms, and for some reason, the Lord showed me how I was walking in fear by holding on to those bags.
I believe God loves us so much He will use anything, even our own fears that we sometimes hold on to, to help get us delivered. Meaning, God let me see my fear through the frustration of holding on to something I didn't want. It was once I decided and then took steps, that God revealed to me what was really going on. True revelation is faith in action, not something you pull out of the clouds.
It has taken me hardly no time to write this blog, of course, once I got past the fear issue God wanted me to see. I knew I wanted to do this, but fear gripped me, and held me in place. Yet writing is an easy thing for me. It's who I am and what I love to do by expressing the heart and mind of God through my own experiences.
Now, not only does it feel good to let go, but also, my hallway is clear. Hallelujah!!!
Now, not only does it feel good to let go, but also, my hallway is clear. Hallelujah!!!
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Will you go, anyway?
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Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However,...
Today I let go of some stuff I've had for a long time. What's so amazing, it was stuff I had been trying to get rid of, but for s...