Friday, September 24, 2021

Will you go, anyway?


Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However, without over simplifying, please hear me out. Our lives require each one of us to choose the direction we go and the option of doing whatever we can imagine. For example, you have an option when you wake, to get out of bed and be as productive as possible. Yet,  you may not feel well and are under pressure from the cares of life. And lets be honest, this past year has been a chore to say the least.  

However, in spite of whatever your circumstance, the way in which you respond will shape your day as well as your future. Again, these are decisions we make daily. Here is where you have to weigh what is more important. This brings me to my next question. 

What if God requires you to let go of something you need and Love?    

What I have discovered regarding this very question is not really about how I feel, but more so, about my willingness to trust and obey God. It is my discovery, that your choices require you to decide the value of a thing, before you ever choose it. What is more important, the thing that's worth a lot of money, the person you're in love with? What is it?

This question is a locator of the heart. There is a story in the bible about a rich young ruler. He asked Jesus what he needed to do to be a follower of Him. Jesus replied and asked the young man to go and sell all of his possessions and give it away to the poor. Of course, Jesus did not need his stuff. I mean really, c'mon now. Jesus could have asked him for any number of different things. Yet, He required him to let go of his wealth because that was the most important thing in his heart. Unfortunately, the young ruler could not do it. He walked away very sadly.  

So, with that being said, what's really important is knowing that whatever God requires of us, is nothing compared to what God gives us in return. God wants to give us far better than what we are letting go of or giving away. So, I leave you with this question to ponder. 

What is it that God has required of you?   

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 Begin, Again


Have you ever thought you were finished with something, only to find yourself at the same place again? Well, I said goodbye to writing in this blog 2 years ago and thought I was done with this particular part. However, what I thought and where God is leading me are two different things.  Anyway, I'm glad to be here again. When I left, I asked the question. 

"Do you really have to let go of something in order to begin a new thing"?  

Well, it all depends on what you're letting go of and the new thing you're moving toward. I know that is very vague but it's a true answer for where I am. Without getting too deep. 

Sometimes we think our transitions are final destinations, when in fact, they are mere transitions from one place to the next. And, sometimes they look very similar, yet they are anything but. 

Okay, I can hear you saying "huh".  

A Purpose Producing Life is a journey. There are plenty of winding roads with highs and lows along the way. Even though I believe I was done when I said good bye, yet there is something more God wants to say. I only hope these words written will bring life and change as they have in my previous writings. 

I Love you all very much and "More will be revealed".


                 Commit thy works unto the Lord, And thy thoughts will be established (Proverbs 16:3)


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Letting Go (Part 2) The end and the beginning...


It was almost 9 years ago when I started writing this blog. "A Purpose Producing Life".  It seems so weird to me that I will no longer be posting in this medium. I have sometimes shared far more of my personal stuff than I should have, but I'm mostly glad I did. 

I am writing this post to say goodbye to this website and to close a chapter in my life that has changed me and the lives of so many. When I started posting, I had no idea of who would actually even view my blog or even find what I was saying of any interest. However, over the years I have witnesses in the tens of thousands reading my blog from all over the world. Can you say "far exceedingly, abundantly, above all you can ask or think". (Eph 3:20).

I thought it would be amusing to use my 16 year old year book picture. I needed something to represent just how much my life has changed. Also, the fact that you never stop being you, yet, how much change takes place in your life throughout the years. This picture is a clear reminder of that.   

Attached here is Letting Go (Part 1), I believe you need to read my very first post to better understand where I was when I started writing this blog in 2010. Which brings me to my next question. 

Do you really have to let go of something in order to begin a new thing?

Well, when I started this blog, I was letting go of fear. I made a decision to move toward what I wanted, although I had no idea of what the outcome was going to be, or what people would think or feel about me by sharing deep parts about my own real experiences. 

Needless to say, The words in these posts have helped me over and over again throughout the years. These words have helped me to discover who I am, and also, who I don't want to be. These words have helped me to step out on faith and believe God for the impossible. They have helped me to recognize and accept my own failures and weaknesses. These words have healed my brokenness and lead me toward God and the direction He was leading me in. 

I believe writing "A Purpose Producing Life" has equipped me. Not only for letting go, but also for the purpose of empowering me to step into the new with hope and expectation to succeed in fully becoming who God has purposed me to be. 

Now in 2019, I have the courage to let go of  what has become an old thing, so that I can now move forward and create the new, again.    

Much Love,

Nicole Payne

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Why and where is answered by who and what

 Okay, I know you’re like huh? Well, let me explain. Many of us have questions about why we are in a particular place in our lives. Well, to better understand how to answer those questions, you first have to ask yourself the questions of who and what?
Meaning, who are the people in your life? The people you surround yourself with will have a major effect on your life and the direction you take. Those individuals will influence your thoughts as well as your beliefs. Remember, what you believe or desire, you will pursue. Whether or not the thing you are pursuing is true or even good for you. That brings me to my next questions: 

What do those relationships look like with the people in your life? Are they healthy? Are they influencing you to move toward fulfilling your purpose and becoming the best person you can be?

There are two types of people in our lives. There are those individuals who are helping you to get into your destiny, and also, those who will keep you from it. I thank God for my Apostle, Barbara Wentroble. She has a saying, “be around those who celebrate you, not those who tolerate you”.  Answering these questions of who is in your life and what those relationships look like in your life, will answer the why and the where you are in your life.

In fulfilling God's purpose, you have to be willing to make adjustments in your relationships. This decision will better position you to move in a direction toward the destiny God has purposed for you. If you are not sure how to do that, ask God to define your relationships. Unfortunately, with some people you may have to make those hard decisions and disconnect from those who are not celebrating you.

Nonetheless, you will be in a place of clarity. Knowing you are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. In God's plan. There is no better place to be.  

Much Love

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Perception is everything...

How you see things is key to having a successful life filled with purpose and destiny. Perception plays a huge role in how you navigate through people. Situations and circumstances may have an appearance of looking like one thing, yet, the intent or the purpose can mean something very different. For instance, this picture:
On Saturday, I saw this picture at the 99 cent store. Can you believe it?
Well, I had just finished a really good workout and was in a certain frame of mindset. Yet, I sent this picture out into social media and the perception of its meaning was taken very differently. Some perceived the post to mean I was sending a message of LOVE to them. Yet in fact, it is a message of Love. However, that was not my reason for posting it. That brings me to my next question:
How do you see LOVE?
If you are in a frame of mind to receive LOVE, then it makes perfect sense to see this message as something sent to you, others will see this same message as a LOVE message sent to someone else to encourage them.
However, when I bought this picture, I was saying, "I LOVE Nicole to the moon and back". 
In fulfilling a purpose producing life, you need to give yourself and others the freedom to be who they are without judgment. Just because someone see's things differently does not make it wrong, it only means they have a different perception of a situation.
I believe this is a better way in how to LOVE one another.  

Thursday, May 11, 2017

I am a Rolls Royce

“Be in Love with every moment of your life” (Anonymous)

As plainly as I can put it, I know I am a Rolls Royce.
Yet, although I am of huge value, there are times I will get rained on
and dirty by being driven through ugly places in life. 
Yet, it does not change who I am, nor does it change my value.   
I am a Rolls Royce.
Whether you like me or not.
I am still a Rolls Royce.
The fact that you don't value me, does not change anything.
The reality of who I know I am, is all the reality that is necessary.
I am a Rolls Royce.

Friday, May 5, 2017

A Praying Woman

Not sure why, but for some reason, I strongly felt I needed to write about this experience of praying for the man I want. How many of you have ever done this?
Well, for starters, without really understanding how much of a difference this action of praying will really make. The one difference I notice, has happened within myself.
For a very long time, I have been doing a lot of expecting from an outward paradigm. Meaning, I was just looking for him to be what I want and all the things I am looking for in a man. And with good reason. There is a lot of mess out here that I do not want!!! Okay, but I digress.
I had a number of expectations and specifically, some things that I call (NWTDW) "Not willing to do without." Oh boy, I had a long list of things. Yet, however, the amazing transformation that has occurred, has happened within my thinking.
My thoughts have begun to shift from what he can do for me; to what I can do to be the best I could possibly be for him. Which leads me to my next question.
Are you praying to receive the desires of your heart?  And if so, what changes are you experiencing?
I know there is so much more to this subject, but that's it for now. "More will be revealed".
Much Love

Will you go, anyway?

  Seems like a simple enough question to answer, it's either yes or no. Yet, we answer this question everyday in our decisions. However,...